Murph was found by a Moist Napkin salesman who was camping at the base of Mt. Evans. After Murph was scraped off and dried he appeared vaguely human so the tourist mailed him to a prestigious research college in Vail, Colorado for study. There, Murph was found to be, “…mildly tepid in a rather fruity but delicate mustard and white wine sauce.” When it was found that he couldn’t fit in the fridge, Murph was allowed to enroll in the college where he studied native convivial inebriation techniques. Receiving a “pass” after forty-two semesters, he graduated and moved down to Denver where he now owns a violin carpeting shop. Murph enjoys getting lost inside advertising kiosks and hopes one day to thaw. Please welcome our newest member, from the great pebbly state of Colorado, :FI:Murph!